Fiction and reality blur when Leonor, a retired filmmaker, falls into a coma after a television lands on her head, compelling her to become the...
Leonor Will Never Die
Deflowered by a haciendero, a young woman leaves her hometown for the city and becomes a prostitute. Eventually she falls in love with a young man...
Lilac, Bulaklak sa Magdamag
Official entry to the first Metro Manila Film Festival in 1981 directed by Ed Palmos and starred Ricky Belmonte, Jean Saburit, Maria Victoria, Yasmin...
The Woman in the Valley
Diego, a prisoner, is visited nightly by a specter claiming to be the keeper of a hidden treasure. He confides his nightmares to a fellow inmate,...
Ang Bantay
Mario O'Hara's melodrama about an aspiring singer and her ex-convict sweetheart.
Kastilyong Buhangin
A story about a man who has lots of different women and families.
Public Enemy No. 2: Maraming Number Two
Three boys are confronted with what they perceive as a challenge to prove their masculinity in a story about sexual awakening. Paul is a show-off...
Mystrio (Uno... Dos... Tres Pilyos!)
Upon his release from jail for a crime he was framed for, Abel learns that the woman he loves and the child he fathered have been kidnapped. In...
Abel Villarama Armado
Daddy's Little Darlings
Set in the 14th century, a brewing friendship between the Chinese Emperor Yong Le and the King of Sulu, Paduka Pahala is forged upon the latter's...
King and Emperor
Emong Sanchez is the defender of the people through peaceful means. He remains a quite man until he is pushed to violence.
Ang Padrino
Alex San Diego: Wanted
An enchanted black blouse changes the usual uneventful life of Jessa by giving her the beauty she never thought she would have. With her good heart,...
Blusang Itim
Young idealists form the liquidation squad of the left known as the Sparrow Unit, summarily executing the perceived enemies of the people until they...
Target Sparrow Unit