The farmhouse of a rural family is declared unfit for habitation. While part of the family fights to save the space their ancestors built, the...
Crack of Dawn
It is Grandma’s birthday, and Rosa, who is hosting the party, thinks she has it all under control. But will she be able to put up with her...
Y otro año, perdices
Welcome to the Holy Mass of the one and only God: The flying spaghetti monster! Even if some heretical pasta spurning idiots haven’t found...
Adéu, Barcelona
A man does everything in his power to get his wife back and put an end to his crisis.
La historia de siempre
She, leader of a religious sect, leads a group of people. All live together in a claustrophobic place. The arrival of a mysterious character changes...
House of Sweat and Tears
Aaron is a 19 year-old with a close relationship with his family. His grandmother Pilar has dementia and wants to return to Salcedillo, the village...
Palentian Song
Rosa María, with 35 years of marriage behind her, secretly wakes up at midnight and discovers a bouquet of violets at the entrance of her...
La memoria inmortal