The film tells the story of story of a Brahim Boumalfi, a retiree who, after working for fifty years at the same company, has not received a pension...
Brahim Who?
A young architect who lives in Paris, returns to his hometown Fès in Morocco to find answers to his painful childhood. His old Sufi master Ba...
Burned Hearts
Mustapha is a forty-year-old barber in Casablanca. His clients are retired high-ranking government officials, former cabinet ministers and power...
Rough Hands
Jawhara has grown in prison after the rape of her mother, Safia, and has lived for six years behind bars by her mother's side. Through her innocent...
Jawhara Fille de Prison
An irresponsible young Spaniard having spent 6 months in jail for embezzlement gets a job as a waiter in a bar restaurant and becomes involved in a...
Casablanca, 2003. 14 young hard-rockers are arrested and condemned for sentences from 3 months to 1 year. What are the accusations? Satanism and...
Satan's Angels
Lhadj Benmoussa, a rich jeweler, is married to several wives and appear to be a good manager of the three concubines, except when Houda, his third...
In Search of My Wife's Husband
Four female friends from Egypt with opposing religious, social, and political views listen to one another's perspectives and argue openly, without...
Four Women of Egypt
Fakhita discovered that her husband's daughter has a child from his mistress. He gets angry at him and forces him to divorce her only child, but the...
She's Hypertensive and Diabetic But Refuses to Die 2
Hamid is shared between his wife Souad, his mistress Leïla, and his mother-in-law Hajja. Zhor, the servant is the guardians mistress. Brahim is...
She's Hypertensive and Diabetic But Refuses to Die
As Haj Moussa is caught by border guards while trying to reach Gibraltar in a small boat, he is sent to prison, and his family tries to help him...
Lalla Hobby
Saida, a young executive in a big company, meets Hamid, a 35-year-old computer scientist. They decide to get married, convinced both to have made the...
Destin de femme
A Paris-based Jewish music teacher is battling a malignant tumor. Convinced that her days are numbered, she decides to return to Morocco to reconnect...
In 1960, Moroccan Jews began migrating en masse to Israel, encouraged by immigration officers of the new state. The film tells the drama of the story...
Goodbye Mothers
"Mustapha" a taxi driver in the city of Tangier, during one of his trips the driver will accidentally meet a lost woman named "Toraya", who is...
Niya Taghlab
During his 5 years of detention, Mehdi has questioned his life, and is considering the future. The future: Canada, where he wants to purify himself...
Dreams thief