Five wayward teenage girls are sent to a reformatory and discover they possess unique powers to battle the ancient demon, Legion, which holds thrall...
5ive Girls
Two hospitalized young people discover that things can get even worse when the dilapidated institution is stranded by a severe storm and a maniac...
A terrified group of college film students record the pandemic rise of flesh-eating zombies while struggling for their own survival.
Diary of the Dead
VICTOR is the inspiring, true-life, story of a great Canadian hero - a working class kid who through sheer guts and determination overcomes both...
After multi-millionaire Ted Ammon is found bludgeoned to death at his East Hampton estate, the fingers point to his estranged wife, Generosa Rand,...
Murder in the Hamptons
Julia and Rich are about to get married, but Rich has a hairy secret. Will Julia still marry him when she finds out about the monster "inside"?
Nature of the Beast