Gerald King, who is closer to death than life gets dumped with his 15 -year-old grandson, when the child's mother dies in a drunken car crash. Both...
The Fragile King
In a desperate attempt to save his town, his Grandmother and his home, and avoid working in a dangerous mine, Vince - a small-town loner and poor...
Footskating 101
Set in a chic and middle class Johannesburg, a jaded academic and his journalist wife have their lives turned upside down when a celebrated and...
Catching Feelings
Set against a political backdrop in Africa, the story spanning several years, unfolds around the powerful interaction between two women, their strong...
Quest for Love
Jane and the Colonel must journey to Africa to the lost city to retrieve the diamonds before the Nazis do. Comedy based on the popular wartime comic...
Jane and the Lost City
The beautiful daughter of a murdered scientist determines to apprehend her father's brutal killer at a nuclear waste site they're both inspecting as...
Dirty Games