When his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry Allen becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned and...
The Flash
Verano de película 3
When he wins a contest, seventeen-year-old Daniel Montero gets to spend a night in Buenos Aires with his favorite adult movie star, Sabrina Love....
A Night with Sabrina Love
27 years after overcoming the malevolent supernatural entity Pennywise, the former members of the Losers' Club, who have grown up and moved away from...
It Chapter Two
Short documentary about The Flash from comic book creation to film and television hero.
The Flash: Saga of the Scarlet Speedster
Making The Flash: Worlds Collide
George Pal: Un Marciano De Hollywood En Argentina
A young man, plagued by the music in his head, has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balancing love, family and Brazilian culture in...
Twisting the Aces is a romantic comedy set in the magic community where things are not what they seem. Martin, an amateur magician, dwells in a world...
Twisting the Aces
This documentary focuses on the actors and their journey over two summers to create the remake to the original IT, by Stephen King. The documentary...
The Summers of It – Chapter One: You'll Float Too
The Summers of It – Chapter Two: It Ends