A microbudget, improvised drama, The Land follows the lives of its three main characters over a few tense days, as their lives quickly implode after...
The Land
Brett Sprague is a violent and psychopathic man, who is released on parole after serving a sentence for assault. As he returns to his family house...
The Boys
Catherine (Anna Lise Phillips) returns to Australia after years abroad only to be confronted by her wilful mother, Katya (Anne Looby)... a ghost with...
Friends and family gather around the death bed of Gavin, where they assist in the dying man's suicide. But though Gavin's pain has been laid to rest,...
Walking on Water
A romantic story of young love is not what it seems. Rachel meets Matt on his way home from school. Matt falls for her, but Rachel has other ideas....
Teresa is a spirited young girl chafing under the oppressive attitudes of 1930s society, and her father in particular. She fancies her...
For Love Alone
Mitchell leaves the comfort of suburban bliss convinced that no-one can assess life who has not experienced it first-hand. Clear about what is not...
Tender Hooks
A wired but charming and educated junkie couple ("we prefer the term chemically dependent") run their stolen car into a nice well to do...
A Wreck, a Tangle
Troubled psychotherapist Peter Bowers is suffering from nightmares and eerie visions. When he uncovers a horrifying secret that all of his patients...
Anne (Caroline Goodall) is a successful pathologist for a top pharmaceutical corporation, and her life couldn't be better. That is, until one of her...
A Difficult Woman
Man’s best friend becomes his worst nightmare when a horde of bloodthirsty wild dogs descends upon a family’s farmhouse in a fang-bearing...
The Pack
A grumpy microbiologist is forced into sensitivity training at work and forms an unlikely friendship with her overly vivacious coach.
Sensitivity Training
After waking up from a coma, Alice has no memory. As she learns the horrible truths about her past self, she must fight for redemption.
Her Dark Past
Joshua “J” is taken in by his extended family after his mother dies of an overdose. The clan, ruled by J’s scheming grandmother, is...
Animal Kingdom
A biography of the Three Stooges, in which their careers and rise to fame is shown throughout the eyes of their leader, Moe.
The Three Stooges
A task force is sent to a small country town to investigate a shocking crime.
The Killing Field
On April 26, 2012, six people entered an Isolated Confined Environment with the mission to simulate a trip to Mars. Their mission was a catastrophic...
The Tank