In this unusual offbeat black comedy directed by Ugo Tognazzi, Giuseppe (Tognazzi) is a middle-aged industrialist obsessed with gadgets. When his...
Il fischio al naso
The misadventures of Enrico and Sandro: two eighteen year olds looking for their 'first time'.
Dal sabato al lunedì
The love life of an aging architect used to love affairs with call girls, who in the end settles down with a girl of his class but still longs for...
Un amore
Adelaide takes possession of an island in the Pacific inherited from her deceased husband. She is opposed by the chieftain and a convict. To get the...
La Pica sul Pacifico
A kind of Italian Robin Hood leads a fight against a tyrant and his henchmen.
The Sword of the Rebellion
After the death of his parents in an auto accident Giovanni Bernardi is invited to see his grandpa Count Marco Anselmi.During his stay in the old...
But You Were Dead
Satirical film in four episodes about family and marriage.
The Wedding March
Andrea Artusi is a successful businessman with a beautiful wife, Maria, and a happy marriage - until he has an affair. After his own cheating, he...
The Magnificent Cuckold
A group of young thugs decides to spend New Year on the streets of Milan.
Milano nera
Doña Pura, don Benito and don Augusto are three venerable old people who usually coincide each month in the queues of the mutuality windows to...
Los dinamiteros
An actor fails to find success in the film world but falls in love with a theatre manager's daughter.
Il mondo dei miracoli