When an outcast cop receives a lead to the location of a notorious assassin, he sets out to find him but walks directly into a trap. Beat up and...
Breakdown Forest
For fans of history, this glimpse of Munich society in the 1920s will be a much-treasured event. The story revolves around an art-gallery manager who...
Die Todeswelle - Eine Stadt in Angst
The story revolves around Hans, a kind-hearted but not particularly bright young man. He is bored on his father's farm. He would love to see...
Die Boten des Todes
Six young men are disturbed by their girlfriends while looking for adventures in Munich after their discharge from the Bundeswehr.
Die Küken kommen
Due madri per Rocco
Die Stimme des Mörders
Once before, the ravishing lake mermaid Undine has warned her lover Raoul. Their humid-romantic fairy-tale love is in danger because Raoul's brother...
Teenager Raphaela was born blind into a wealthy, material focused family. Her father escapes reality into an affair with his secretary while her...
Das Wunder
Kiss Me!
Alice - The Darkest Hour
The Murder Menu
Jasmin ( Meryl Valerie ) is crowned the new Miss Zurich because the real winner is decapitated in an unexpected way. To mourn the dead Miss does not...
The Swiss Miss Massacre
A young, talented but penniless tennis player attracts the attention of an ex-champion who offers to train him. He works hard to achieve his meteoric...
Tränen eines Siegers