A grieving father grapples with the seedy, manipulative world of high stakes debt collection while struggling to shed the tragedies of his past. He...
Doug Harris is a loveable but socially awkward groom-to-be with a problem: he has no best man. With less than two weeks to go until he marries the...
The Wedding Ringer
When Ester becomes King Xerxes’ queen, her Cousin Mordecai and that despicable Haman engage in a dangerous game of intrigue for control of the...
The Book of Esther
Two years after a Super Bowl win when NFL head coach Sean Payton is suspended, he goes back to his hometown and finds himself reconnecting with his...
Home Team
The setting is any small urban Latino neighborhood in the U.S. where everyone is only a degree of separation from each other. Where loyalty to family...
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Miguel is the perfect coyote: dedicated, single-minded, his record unblemished. His home is the winding path of the migrant: the back alley gravel,...
The Boatman
Two "down on their luck" buddies are convinced by a third to take a vacation. Only after landing in the third world country do they realize that they...
All About the Money
A rogue soldier turned outlaw is thrust into a relentless fight with a corrupt sheriff, his obedient deputies, and a dangerous drug cartel in order...
Close Range
Taken into slavery after the fall of Jerusalem in 605 B.C., Daniel is forced to serve the most powerful king in the world, King Nebuchadnezzar. Faced...
The Book of Daniel
Tori, a sports agent who values winning at all costs, decides to become more feminine in order to impress her crush at work. When she finally lands...
Aspiring club promoters and best buds Damon and Kevin are barely keeping things together. Out of money, down on their luck and about to lose the...
House Party