With confidential and unpublished documentation, the film shows the background and behind-the-scenes of the coup in Chile that took place on...
O Grande Irmão: O Dia que Durou 21 Anos 2
In 1964, days after the military coup, entrepreneur Assis Chateaubriand created the campaign “Gold for the good of Brazil”, through which...
Ouro para o Bem do Brasil
After the coup of 1964, the media conglomerate Diários Associados organized a campaign called "Gold for Brazil," exhorting the people to...
Golpe de Ouro
The changes in Brazilian money bills and how these changes affected the economy and society.
12 Currencies
Discover the trajectory of Ibrahim Sued, a journalist who revolutionized the Brazilian press during his almost 50-year career, through interviews,...
Ademã – A Vida e as Notas de Ibrahim Sued