Giancarlo, a young Neapolitan animated by a great passion for journalism, is called as a correspondent in Torre Annunziata for the newspaper IL...
E Io ti seguo
Titus Andronicus returns from the wars and sees his sons and daughters taken from him, one by one. Shakespeare's goriest and earliest tragedy.
When an unemployed young man finds himself in dire straits and up to his eyes in gambling debt, he believes the only solution is to become a drug...
Dead Uncle
Meglio tardi che mai
Non è giusto
Shot on Sony Betacam DVW-700P, it was the first Italian "micro budget" movie filmed in digital video.
Twice in a Lifetime
Una storia qualunque
Palermo, Sicily, 1984. Examining magistrate Giovanni Falcone allies with Tomasso Buscetta, a former mobster, to defeat the clan of Corleone, the...
Excellent Cadavers
Francesco is a psychoanalyst grappling with three hopeless causes: a bookseller in love with a book thief, a lesbian hell-bent on becoming straight...
Tutta colpa di Freud
It's the dawn of April 25, 1974, when Marco, a 25-year old Italian and his Portuguese friend Victor leave Paris on a yellow Citroen 2CV. The goal of...
The Revolution on Two Horses