The true story of a working class boy who moves to the nation's financial capital at a young age and becomes one the most influential politicians in...
Lula, the Son of Brazil
Based on real events, and set in Rio de Janeiro, A Wolf at the Door is the nerve-rattling tale of a kidnapped child and the terror of the parents...
A Wolf at the Door
Mari is a talented but insecure chef who dreams of running her own restaurant. She goes through a challenging professional time, taking orders from...
Trust Me
Brazilian mobsters kidnap daughter of billionaire and demand her boyfriend lose a high stakes poker match for her safe return.
Paradise Inc.
Ana (Manuela Campagna) is a 17-year-old girl who lives in a border town between Brazil and Argentina. There, she has no leisure options and no...
Moon in Sagittarius
An elderly couple lives in an abandoned farm. Every night they receive a visit from a young man who comes join them. The past comes to light when the...
Dead Leaves
Bacurau, a small town in the Brazilian sertão, mourns the loss of its matriarch, Carmelita, who lived to be 94. Days later, its inhabitants...
The Orbits of Water (Water Version) is a fable about a family waiting for a return of a son and a brother. A revenge story with contours of tragedy...
The Orbits of Water (Liquid Version)
José Pedro de Freitas, better known as Zé Arigó, was a simple man who lived with his wife Arlete in Congonhas, Minas Gerais....
Predestinado: Arigó e o Espírito do Dr. Fritz
The Orbits of Water (Solid Version) is a fable about a family waiting for a return of a son and a brother. A revenge story with contours of tragedy...
The Orbits of Water (Solid Version)
40-year-old Daniel has been suspended from active police work and is under internal investigation for violence. When Sara, his internet love affair,...
Private Desert
In the early 1970s, the military dictatorship in Brazil reaches its height. The Paiva family - Rubens, Eunice, and their five children - live in a...
I’m Still Here
Cadu, an honest lawyer from the countryside of São Paulo, is about to become a father for the second time. However, his life is completely...
1 Contra Todos - O Filme