Die Galgenbrücke
Taxi nach Rathenow
Young construction worker Ralf Reider leaves his home village Katzsprung in the Rhön mountains during the "Berlin Initiative". In the capital,...
The Brigade-Leader’s Hat
Claudia and Georg Rattey, a married couple, have everything what people in their mid-thirties might wish for: a car, a farmhouse for vacations on the...
Versteckte Fallen
Terror, Tote, Völkerfreundschaft: Die DDR und der Nahost-Konflikt
Die Brut der schönen Seele
Zwei Nikoläuse unterwegs
Three Germans, Tinka, Natalie and Tim speed across the desolate Russian landscape in their jeep. They have done some good business and are jubilant....
Road Block
“Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” Lara can hardly believe what the doctor has just told her. The 25-year-old spends her nights...
Breaking Horizons
Der Vogelkopp
Rüdiger Stein starts filming Klaus and Manuela, young expectant parents, for a documentary on the topic "Starting a Family." As the project...
Location Hunting
Film by Evelyn Schmidt.
Auf dem Sprung
Engel mit einem Flügel
Tom, a 17-year-old window design apprentice, dreams about true love. One day, a new girl from East Berlin moves to town. Tom has a crush on her and...
1942. The members of the Voß family, mother, two daughters, a daughter-in-law, and a son-in-law, are living in a house at the river. A fellow...
The House on the River