In the city of Ghaziabad, gang war breaks between two rival groups led by Satbir Singh and Fauji. Thakur Pritam Singh, a corrupt police officer, is...
Zila Ghaziabad
Shortcut Romeo is an Indian romantic thriller film to be directed and produced by Susi Ganeshan, under the banner Susi Ganesh Productions. It is the...
Shortcut Romeo
The lives and friendship of two men involved in blood theft and trading are affected by greed, girlfriends, cops and an unexpected death.
Laal Rang
Four couples in a metropolitan city seek to find love amidst the hustle bustle. Will their love win over the challenges like infidelity, commitment...
Love Ke Funday
A detective with training in criminal psychology aids the local police's hunt for a female serial killer who seduces unfaithful husbands before...