Mona, a young Parisienne, learns that her real father is Moroccan. The only traces of his existence are a name, Mahmoud Saber, a black-and-white...
Mona Saber
A man one day discovers a clone that looks like him. Not satisfied with being a creature that no one wants to have in his paws, the clone steals his...
Nhar Tzad Tfa Dow
Les Oubliés de l'histoire
Hamid is shared between his wife Souad, his mistress Leïla, and his mother-in-law Hajja. Zhor, the servant is the guardians mistress. Brahim is...
She's Hypertensive and Diabetic But Refuses to Die
Fakhita discovered that her husband's daughter has a child from his mistress. He gets angry at him and forces him to divorce her only child, but the...
She's Hypertensive and Diabetic But Refuses to Die 2
Un pari pimente