Two friends working as water suppliers find their reckless lives turned upside down when one of them mistakenly clashes with a newly appointed...
Pithala Maathi
Parankimala is a 2014 Malayalam film directed by Sennan Pallassery. The film features Beyon and Vinutha Lal in the lead roles. The film was produced...
Bhaiyya Bhaiyya (Theatrical name: Bhayya Bhayya) is a 2014 Malayalam-language comedy film directed by Johny Antony and scripted by Benny P....
Bhaiyya Bhaiyya
Saradhi is a malayalam movie made on the lines of Traffic, chronicling the events of one day, with an ambulance driver being forced to undertake a...
A porn addict is threatened by a hacker, who orders the guy to witness him commit suicide online.
Apoorvan (Jayaram), Babumon (Kalabhavan Shajon), and Chopra (Baburaj) are very close companions. Babumon is married. Apoorvan, who has only studied...
Ulsaha Committee