Follows Chris Daniels, a man who receives a call that his daughter has been kidnapped. The kidnappers demand that he completes a series of different...
Don't Hang Up
Sadie Walker is starting over in her hometown of Chesterfield, New York, following a series of major life disruptions that include leaving her law...
Christmas at the Drive-In
Based on a stage play of the same name by Amy Nostbakken and Norah Sadava, the story follows Cassandra, who is portrayed by the two women, expressing...
One of the city's last decent tow truck drivers risks everything on a desperate quest to become king of the road and provide for his struggling...
22 Chaser
A teenage girl battling obsessive compulsive disorder has to run the gamut of school bullies every day, until a traumatic event convinces her that...
Lay Them Straight
Three stories about the world of opioids collide: a drug trafficker arranges a multi-cartel Fentanyl smuggling operation between Canada and the U.S.,...
Tasya Vos, an elite corporate assassin, uses brain-implant technology to take control of other people’s bodies to terminate high profile...
A lonely janitor most make a choice when a vampire attack leaves him the sole caretaker of an orphaned, and possibly monstrous, infant.
Finds 10-year-old Dana, who sees dinosaurs in the real world, solving dino experiment #901 - where are all the kid dinosaurs? But while working on...
Dino Dana: The Movie