Two angels, Damiel and Cassiel, glide through the streets of Berlin, observing the bustling population, providing invisible rays of hope to the...
Wings of Desire
OSTKREUZ tells the episodic story of 15-year-old Elfie, who literally and metaphorically inhabits a no-man’s-land between the two Germanies...
Eastern Cross
A street sweeper who cleans up after grisly accidents brings home a full corpse for him and his wife to enjoy sexually, but is dismayed to see that...
Marion, also known as Nippelsuse, leaves her boyfriend and has to find new accommodation as well as a job. She decides to become a private detective....
Drop Out
The adventures of a toilet cleaner.
00 Woman - Im Reich der Klofrau
Schlager fan Dieter still lives with his parents and doesn't really fancy anything: neither women nor regular work. His parents, ideological old...
Der Trip - Die nackte Gitarre 0,5
Short film about motherhood, children and single parents.
Alles Mama, oder was!?
An agent arrives in Budapest. His mission is to report what people feel here. He meets Péter and Mari, later Ilona as well, who is the lover...
Peter in Wunderland
A woman searches for her children, who have been abducted by her ex-husband, a member of the German 'Red Liberation Front'.
Die Kinder
Monika lives with Rob, a corpse she loves. Her dilemma intensifies when she meets Mark and considers a normal life with him. She must choose between...
Nekromantik 2
Tiger, Lion, Panther
Der blaue Mond
A not so clever guy called Bertie with a Opel Manta (a low budget European sports-coupe from the '80s) gets competition in a street race from a guy...
Manta, Manta
An American filmmaker travels to modern day Berlin to make a film based on a real-life incident from 1942 in which 13 Jewish prisoners from a...
The Passenger – Welcome to Germany