Filmed over six years in four countries: Portugal, Brazil, Colombia and United States, this romantic drama tells the story of Luzia, a Brazilian...
Love Film Festival
Mauro Mateus dos Santos was known by another name: Sabotage. Growing up amidst poverty in São Paulo, the musician, who became a legend after...
Sabotage: Maestro do Canão
Seventy critics and filmmakers discuss cinema around the conflict between the artist and the observer, the creator and the critic. Between 1998 and...
Passages showcases Brazilian films in which the utilisation of artforms and media such as literature, painting, theatre, music, photography, radio...
Passages: Travelling in and out of Film through Brazilian Geography
In 1965, a year after the military coup in Brazil, an oasis of freedom opened in the country's capital. The Brasília Film Festival: a landmark...
Candango: Memoirs from a Festival
In a single shot, mysterious characters discuss about a cockroach problem.
Lady Vaselina