Taryn finds herself gaining much-desired popularity when the charismatic new girl at school claims her as a “breath sister," teaching Taryn...
The Choking Game
Set in the small town of Devil's Gate, North Dakota, the film examines the disappearance of a local woman and her young son. Schull plays an FBI...
Devil's Gate
Told she would have less than a few months to live without a liver transplant, Heather Krueger’s time was running out when a kind stranger,...
Once Upon a Christmas Miracle
A Minnesota police officer crosses paths with a committed and tireless vigilante as he follows the trail of a ruthless predator responsible for...
Night Hunter
Two seemingly incompatible game designers team up to create a romantic, city-wide scavenger hunt themed for the "12 Days of Christmas."
On the 12th Date of Christmas
In need of a shakeup on her home-makeover TV show, star Hannah is sent to her small New England hometown to renovate the historical Lewisburg Manor....
Love in Design