Upon receiving reports of missing persons at Fort Spencer, a remote Army outpost on the Western frontier, Capt. John Boyd investigates. After...
First-time director Dirk Shafer also penned this raucous "mockumentary," a blend of fact and fiction that re-creates his 1992 reign as Playgirl...
Man of the Year
When two women have breast implants for contrasting reasons, they both suffer from frightening side effects. They decide to unite and fight the drug...
Two Voices
Joan Bixler and Amanda Nelson have known each other for several years and lead successful and seemingly functional families. However, their...
Betrayed: A Story of Three Women
Angie, a befuddled young woman, cannot seem to end a hectic day, when she's confronted by her ex, Jamie. Whisked about town on a whirlwind date,...
Not Again!
Ralph is a sexually frustrated vampire who suffers from a peculiar curse. He's condemned for eternity to watch his one true love, Mona be murdered by...
An aging widower and a duck encounter helpful and hostile characters as they search for a place and a reason to live.
The story about a hypnotist whose stage act is to give contrasting personalities to his audience members: but during one of his shows, after...
After a disastrous first date for caterer Holly and network sports director Messer, all they have in common is a dislike for each other and their...
Life As We Know It
If you've ever sat by the phone wondering why he said he would call, but didn't, or if you can't figure out why she doesn't want to sleep with you...
He's Just Not That Into You
An old man, who has been near a fallen meteor, starts to get younger and younger, with a terrible thirst for blood.
The Arrival
Space pirates, led by diabolical Colonel Fraser, take over a cargo ship carrying anti-matter explosive and an important official. Space marines, led...
Space Marines
A brutal Los Angeles police lieutenant is determined to bust up an organization that forces underage girls into prostitution.
Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects