In a near future when women rule the world, a politician visits a "Grooming School" to snag a trophy husband, but her boring date takes a turn when...
A cynical anti-American Hollywood filmmaker sets out on a crusade to abolish the 4th of July holiday. He is visited by three spirits who take him on...
An American Carol
A dark comedy about a 35-year-old woman who doesn’t want kids, but is feeling the pressure to procreate from all sides. Tired of losing all her...
B Word
A group of teenagers go on a excursion to the mountains. There, they are attacked by birds infected with a lethal virus. When the teens reach a...
Flu Bird Horror
A multi-day ping pong tournament where four random contestants battle it out in intense games of Ping Pong to see who will be the next Ping Pong Pro.
Ping Pong Pros
A supernatural thriller that follows Russel Bayne who quickly finds himself in the middle of a supernatural war between vampires, werewolves, and...