Victor is the story of a conscientious if somewhat withdrawn traffic warden who through a series of mishaps finally finds his place in life. While...
A story of a ten year old girl, Erla, who finds a flute nobody else can hear and meets a boy nobody else can see. The boy turns out to be an elf who...
The Resourceful Girl
The film is about a little boy, living in the centre of Reykjavík during the first years of Second World War. While poverty is still a fact of...
Full Name, Simon Peter
An elderly couple leave their retirement home to make one last journey back to their home in the Western Fjords.
Children of Nature
Magnús is a 45-year-old lawyer, whose routine is upset by the personal news that he is suffering from cancer. This causes Magnús to...
A French man from an international record company is sent to Iceland where he is supposed to find the next big hit.
Behind Schedule
This Icelandic tale, loosely based on the real-life experiences of director Fridrik Fridriksson tells the saga of a boyhood spent in Iceland in the...
Movie Days
Hannes is an old man who has grown apart from his children. Recently retired when his wife gets ill he tries to reconcile with them and to atone for...
On Christmas Eve in 1986, an Icelandic cargo ship sank in the North Atlantic Ocean. Of the eleven men on board, five lived. This is the remarkable...
A whale-boat is making its final whaling tour of the season. It pursues and catches a whale, and then proceeds home. The men working on the boat have...
White Whales
Tommi and his half brother Kiddi travel through Iceland with a money transport. A reunion develops into a nightmare after picking up the hitch-hiker...