After their newly adopted daughter goes missing in a small town, Steven and Shannon will stop at nothing to uncover the truth behind her...
In a neighborhood where Dominicans and Puerto Ricans live in community, they must learn to put their differences aside and work together to prevent...
Los Domirriqueños
A biographical film based on the story of the singer, songwriter and pioneer of urban music in Spanish. From his humble beginnings until his jump to...
Vico C: The Life of a Philosopher
Tony Banana becomes an actor and a Puerto Rican producer makes him an offer to make a film in Puerto Rico with the condition that he leaves his bad...
¡Qué Despelotón!
Manolo and Kacho thought they had escaped all the dangers of doing illegal business, but they were wrong.
¡Qué Joyitas! II
Ana meets Rafa in a chance encounter and they embark on a road trip to try and save him from bankruptcy, or worse.