The film is set in the Tricity in 2003, ten years after the end of communism in Poland. The plot, apparently based on the real-life experiences of...
The Closed Circuit
Vildhundarna is a drama far away from the Swedish reality. It's about four young people on the outermost, with norms dispersed, the only survivors in...
Life coach Sven travels to Thailand to fulfil his dreams as a writer. He meets Gitte a yoga-practising free spirit from Norway. Then along comes...
Once Upon A Time in Phuket
After hiring Micke, a carpenter from Stockholm, to help renovate her kitchen, upper class Veronica develops immediate feelings for him. The two are...
Micke & Veronica
Two teenage girls in small-town Sweden. Elin is beautiful, popular, and bored with life. Agnes is friendless, sad, and secretly in love with Elin.
Show Me Love
A homeless man tries to keep people away from Priest Street in Stockholm every night when a furious ghost comes...
Let the Ghost Pass
A wannabe artist travels from a small Swedish town to the big city of Stockholm to seek personal happiness and success but, in the process, finds...