This adventurous feature film is a sequel to Paul Verhoeven's legendary youth series from 1969. In this modern film version - the Middle Ages are...
Long-nosed Cyrano de Bergerac helps an army officer woo Roxane, the woman he loves.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Registration of the play that opened the Holland Festival in 1980, written by Wim T. Schippers. Mr and Mrs Schaambergen receive two free tickets to a...
De Dans der Vierkanten waarin opgenomen Elly, of het Beroemde Stuk
This French-German-Dutch biopic on the life of 17th century Dutch master Rembrandt van Rijn is told in flashbacks from the point-of-view of the aged...
A rich Frisian farmer has been murdered in Amsterdam and police duo Grijpstra & De Gier are sent to investigate. Adjutant Grijpstra has problems at...
Rattle Rat
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