After a sixteen-year absence, married scientists Claire and Matt Thompson reunite with The Jensen Project. The Jensen Project is a secret community...
The Jensen Project
Fourteen years after a tragic accident, former Olympian figure skater Amy Clayton agrees to coach a young student. In doing so, she must face the...
Ice Dreams
On the verge of a mid-life crisis, a former stand-up comedian believes an appearance on a popular late-night show will save his career, but ends up...
That's Funny
Mel, a photo journalist, gets suspicious when her best friend Danny start dating Olivia a wealthy but mysterious woman. She enlists the help of her...
Black Widow
While monitoring Internet traffic for the Department of Homeland Security, Agent Martin Takagi comes across the intimate video chats of a couple,...
Daniel, a blind painter from Montreal, Canada moves to New York City to pursue his dream of become an artist. While in New York City, he is...
A Dream Beyond the Dark
Finding his daughter confused and drunk one night, Martin overreacts and puts a wedge between their once idyllic relationship at a time when she'll...
The Perfect Daughter
When Tom learns that he has terminal brain cancer, he decides to find a replacement husband for his wife and a father to his daughter, before it is...
Meet My Valentine
After losing her husband Bradley three years ago on Christmas Day, Celia Banks never thought she’d fall in love again. Now, her entire world...
Love Always, Santa
A harmless game of "Truth or Dare" among friends turns deadly when someone—or something—begins to punish those who tell a lie—or...
Truth or Dare
Between working full-time, raising a young son, and trying to maintain a relationship with her detached husband, James, Lauren Bell desperately needs...
Nanny Nightmare
Marion and Mingus both come from failed relationships but, by bringing their children together, they've managed to form a small yet happy family....
2 Days in New York
A look at the life of the astronaut, Neil Armstrong, and the legendary space mission that led him to become the first man to walk on the Moon on July...
First Man
With an honest job and a loving wife, Nick Brenner believed he had safely escaped his violent, criminal history. But his old crew hasn't forgotten...
Into the Ashes
Justine Grace is desperate to sort out her life, her marriage to her husband Tom, and herself. When Domenic, a handsome yoga teacher, takes an...
Psycho Yoga Instructor
A divorced writer from the Midwest returns to her hometown to reconnect with an old flame, who's now married with a family.
Young Adult