The inspirational tale of Chippey, the young scout elf who is assigned by Santa to restore Taylor McTuttle's belief in Christmas magic. When the boy...
An Elf's Story
When a foreign exchange student arrives in a small upstate New York town, she challenges the dynamics of her host family's relationships and alters...
Breathe In
An emotionally desperate investment banker finds hope through a woman he meets.
Charlie Trevor and a girl Savannah is a thought provoking action/thriller about reality verses the dream state. Trevor has been having nightmares...
Charlie, Trevor And A Girl Savannah
An entry-level employee at a powerful corporation finds himself occupying a corner office, but at a dangerous price—he must spy on his boss's...
Loserville follows a dorky high school outcast named Chuck as he navigates the wild and confusing days of his senior year. Chuck must face the...
Carrie Bradshaw is in her junior year of high school in the early 1980s. She asks her first questions about love, sex, friendship and family while...
The Carrie Diares