A Genie Award winning documentary about electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire, primarily remembered for the original realization of Ron Grainer's...
The Delian Mode
A documentary about the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, responsible for creating some of the most memorable television and radio music in British popular...
The Alchemists of Sound
A 55-minute documentary, detailing the creation of Doctor Who, including a rare interview with creator Sydney Newman, and new interviews with...
Doctor Who: Origins
Documentary to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of this popular cult sci-fi television series.
The Story of Doctor Who
Featured on the "Doctor Who: The Beginning" box set and tells the story of the Creation of the Daleks.
Creation of the Daleks
A feature on Doctor Who: The Beginning box set which tells the stories of the Doctor's time machine - the TARDIS.
Inside the Spaceship: The Story of the TARDIS
Documentary on the sound effects of Doctor Who in the 1960s.
Masters of Sound