Jimmy lives in the tranquil town of Eagle Rock, Louisiana, with his father, stepmother and his best friend Rainy, a German Shepherd. When Jimmy's...
Cool Dog
In early 1970s Florida, an ominous white van stalks young women. A teenage girl is the latest victim, but this one won't stay a victim.
The Man in the White Van
When Christy discovers her 10-year-old daughter Anna has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter’s healing...
Miracles from Heaven
In 1979, an Indian family moves to America with hopes of living the American Dream. While their 10-year-old boy Smith falls head-over-heels for the...
Growing Up Smith
A woman snaps and assumes the psyche of a vicious dog as her checked-out, philandering husband attempts to keep the family together.
Kara and Jessie are two teenage girls from very different worlds, but with a little Christmas magic, they find they have much more in common than...
Christmas in the Heartland
A young, troubled city girl decides to move to her family owned horse ranch in a small, southern town for the summer to care for her dying mother.
Urban Country
When a nuclear strike causes an electromagnetic pulse that cuts off all power, water, and communication to the entire western United States, Reese...
A contract killer, becomes the reverend of a LA church, until a cult leader and his minions kidnap his daughter. Blinded by vengeance, he cuts a...
A Marine veteran working as a school janitor tries to mend his relationship with his son after a divorce. When his son is killed by a police officer...
American Skin