A ruthless criminal operative has less than 24 hours to exact revenge on her enemies and in the process forms an unexpected bond with the daughter of...
Ruja inherited the painting from her deceased father and hired Tim, an art restorer to repair it, but they don't know that this invaluable art came...
A fast-paced action drama about siblings desperately needing money for their mother's treatment. Then the brother, who is the stunt performer,...
The X-Treme Riders
Julian, who runs a Thai boxing club as a front organization for his family's drug smuggling operation, is forced by his mother Crystal to find and...
Only God Forgives
Hao's Singaporean restaurant is in danger of going out of business. Hao's grandson, Mark, secretly travels to Shanghai to attend a cooking...
Final Recipe
1547. Fernando de Gama, a young "Soldier of Fortune" from Portugal, set sail for the Orient in an effort to find a man who murdered his father and,...
The King Maker
A young female doctor cares for a dying boy in her hospital. The boy develops a love and trust for her that makes him want to protect her even in...
A House of Mad Souls
An innocent man sentenced to rot in a Cambodian jail is released for the sadistic pleasure of twisted trophy hunters and forced to fight - or die.
The Prey
American college students head to the jungles of Vietnam to search for lost gold. They become hopelessly lost, and they may not be alone.
M.I.A. A Greater Evil
The story focuses on an American agent sent to a dangerous undercover mission in Thailand to dismantle a sadistic crime lord.
Bangkok Dog