Spend time with the original cast, along with new voices, as this behind-the-scenes special recalls the birth of "X-Men: The Animated Series," and...
Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of X-Men '97
The most popular Super Hero Team in history is ready for action in a spectacular series of thrilling adventures. When a familiar face from...
X-Men: The Legend of Wolverine
A series of mysterious lightning storms wreaking havoc worldwide as they spiral through the atmosphere toward Greenland. Once they collide, they will...
Rescue Heroes: The Movie
Trina and her brother Dan think dad's dummies are pretty cool. Until one day they notice one of the dummy's hands is warm, humanly warm! Then they...
Goosebumps: Night of the Living Dummy III
It’s the Adventure Bay 500! The pups have built an awesome race track and are ready to be the pit crew for their race hero, The Whoosh! But...
PAW Patrol: Ready, Race, Rescue!