In a forest based in the heart of Brazil, a girl sees her life – and everyone’s around her – change terribly, when she finds the...
The Black Forest
A group of kids embarks in a macabre adventure, full of characters from the Brazilian popular imaginary - the werewolf, a witch, a ghost, monsters...
Dark Fables
A strange black spot approaches the coast, bringing death and destruction to a fishing village. In a desperate flight to escape the chaos, lonely...
Dark Sea
Corrupted by the power of Cipriano's Black Book, a Jesuit and his followers begin a reign of horror in colonial Brazil, until they be cursed to live...
Cemetery of Lost Souls
While chaos reigns in the outside world, a woman maintains peace by tending a small vegetable garden, until she receives a strange order from distant...
A girl crosses the forest to get milk and on the way she knows about Saci, who punishes those who do not respect the people of the forest.
O Saci