In a working-class quarter of Dublin, 'Bimbo' Reeves gets laid off from his job and, with his redundancy payout, buys a van and sells fish and chips...
The Van
When a courier at the D-Day Courier Service mistakenly finds a pile of money in his regular delivery, he does some digging only to discover that the...
The Courier
Two years after the death of his beloved wife, Pat O'Brien summons his children back to their homestead in the west of Ireland. Fionn travels from...
The O'Briens
A tale about isolation and lack of communication, the gap between the reality a teenage boy lives, and how he would like it be. He has a secret that...
Dream Kitchen
In a New England village, two newlywed students of the paranormal enter Hillside House to document the activities of a legion of ghosts. They uncover...
Knocking on Death's Door