The lives of two lovelorn spouses from separate marriages, a registered sex offender, and a disgraced ex-police officer intersect as they struggle to...
Little Children
The life and career of shock-jock superstar Howard Stern is recounted from his humble beginnings to his view from the top. Possessing a desire to be...
Private Parts
A cover-up that spanned four U.S. Presidents pushed the country's first female newspaper publisher and a hard-driving editor to join an unprecedented...
The Post
Two commuters -- likable salesman Joey (Jack Gindi) and working girl Linda (Judy Kuhn) -- dream of finding the perfect love but get stuck on a...
What's Your Sign?
As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster, a young Wall Street trader partners with disgraced former Wall Street corporate raider Gordon...
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
After the death of his wife, an 80-year-old man checks into the Plaza Hotel to celebrate their first anniversary apart, hiring a male escort to take...