When a quiet British town is terrorized by a serial killer, the overwhelmed police turn to an ex-detective for help. However, as he struggles to...
Chasing Shadows
An autistic boy and his father who returns from war with PTSD help each other find peace with the help of martial arts and music. As a man, Rob also...
We Too Together
An old firm leader returns to Green Street for revenge after receiving a call that his little brother was killed, but is he able to cope with a new...
Green Street 3: Never Back Down
To save their Kingdom from an army of undead, a group of warriors must travel through the forbidden lands fighting the fearsome beasts that call The...
The Dark Kingdom
Isabella is a disconnected and angry young woman. Her life was shattered at 13 when her Italian mother died of cancer. Her successful British father...
When the Mist Clears
Reversed tells the twisted tale of Asia, a globe-trotting socialite who winds up involved in murder, sex, and mayhem. Exploring the bloody back-story...
A hardened debt-collector goes on a 24-hour rampage through London in an attempt to avenge the brutal attack on his teenage daughter.
A look at the lives of five New Yorkers dealing with a variety of life's challenges and conflicts. Little do they know that all will be over soon. If...
Not Promised Tomorrow
An amnesiac man is found running blood stained and half naked through the Brecon Beacons. Hunted by the police and military, is he a homicidal...
By Any Name