Miki (Kaoru Mitsumune), Aya (Mika Kumagai), Megumi (Miyako Takayama) and Haruka (Yukiyo Sono) are friends in the same photography club at their...
Joshi Camera
Iwatsuki Reiko, a writer for a weekly magazine goes on a trip to Amakusa, Kyushu with Yukitake Asami, the president of a company. Yukitake informs...
The Aesthetic Salon Murders 2
Ishihara Toru is an everyday guy with an on-and-off girlfriend and a position working for a train buff. Things become complicated when a ghostly...
Take the X Train
911 receives a call from a young woman reporting the death of an acquaintance at a hotel, and Detectives Ushio and Ogami of Shinjuku West Police...
Destination Station Series - Homicide Assignment