An English bon-vivant osteopath is enchanted with a young exotic dancer and invites her to live with him. He serves as friend and mentor, and through...
Louise is an alienated boarding school student in the midst of a hot and heavy affair with the husband of her headmistress, Veronica. Suspicion and...
Out of Bounds
"The Mystery Cruise" centers around best friends and impending business partners, Alvirah Meehan (Gail O'Grady), a lottery winner turned amateur...
The Mystery Cruise
Patty Duke plays a divorced woman who goes to law school to defend herself in court after a chauvinistic judge awards her rotten husband their...
When the Vows Break
Geophysicist Dr. Josh Keyes discovers that an unknown force has caused the earth's inner core to stop rotating. With the planet's magnetic field...
The Core
The local social cricket team are up to bat and sometimes it seems they are one batsman short of of an eleven. There are good secrets and not so good...
Outside Edge
A Global Film Noir with dark comic elements about Silas Breece, a legendarily unorthodox business hustler who travels the world seeking capitol from...
A mentally challenged woman undergoes an experimental treatment that temporarily transforms her into a genius.
Color Me Perfect