After being released from a mental asylum, a disfigured man becomes obsessed with a student at his sister’s boarding school while grappling...
Bloody Moon
Mr. Muller meets a mysterious woman who apparently knows a few things from his past that he would rather have kept hidden.
An Explosive Woman
The truth about the ailing state of the Haut-Rhin nuclear power plant in the tri-border region is to come to light - this is the goal of the assassin...
Tag der Wahrheit
Alarm auf Station 2
Maria Altmann, an octogenarian Jewish refugee, takes on the Austrian government to recover a world famous painting of her aunt plundered by the Nazis...
Woman in Gold
A cold day in January 2006. The police make a horrible discovery in the Swedish town of Hudiksvall: In one night, 18 people have been brutally...
The Chinese Man
The Tube
The story of Napoleon Bonaparte's grandniece, the famous Princess Marie, her friendship and her work with Sigmund Freud.
Princesse Marie
Martin Sheen stars as an American newsman in Rome who begins to investigate the appearance of several corpses found throughout Europe with their...
Touch and Die
Europe in the Evening
A romantic story about a few days from the life of Michel Legrand told by himself.
Five Days in June
Das Hintertürl zum Paradies
Am Morgen meines Todes
Die zweite Frau
Sugar Loaf
A man sentenced to death escapes from a military prison and finds shelter with a resistance group that is set to liberate the country. The repressive...
Das Manifest