Named after the World War II-era program, the plot revolves around a gifted high school student who decides to construct a nuclear bomb for a...
The Manhattan Project
After a terrible boating accident, Angela Baker is sent to Camp Arawak, where a series of bizarre and violent "accidents" begin to claim the lives of...
Sleepaway Camp
There is a plot under way to change the course of history. Four kids are chosen to be the Freedom Force—a gang of unlikely heroes who travel...
Freedom Force
From the pen of Pulitzer Prize winning author John Updike ("Witches of Eastwick," "Rabbit Run"), comes the story of a young man's search through the...
Pigeon Feathers
Allison Kramer suffers recurring nightmares and selective amnesia, returning to camp to discover the truth as the secrets of infamous killer Angela...
Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor
Because he's the oldest, Jake has been the man of the house, since his parents divorce. When Mom starts seeing Sam, who always seems to be trying...
A young woman inherits her father's farm after he dies. Over the years, she overcomes challenges and turns it into a success, all the while yearning...
O Pioneers!
In this mesmerizing experimental film, a Stephen King television movie is compressed and transformed through hypnotic black and white collage...
The Timekeepers of Eternity
A teenage son of an astronaut tries to help his father after he and a chimpanzee switch brains as the result of a space flight mis-hap in which the...
Hero in the Family
Based on true story of teens Richard and Deborah Jahnke charged in Wyoming for the killing of their abusive father.
Right to Kill?
After the conclusion of the Battle City Tournament, deep below the sands of Egypt, an ancient evil has awakened. Anubis, who was defeated centuries...
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
A drama, set in St. Louis in 1950, concerning an American family and the first courtship and sexual awakening of the teenage son. Ben Griffin lives...
Love and Other Sorrows
A CBS Schoolbreak Special about a 12-year-old mentally-challenged girl whose parents decide to remove her from the institution where she was raised,...
Welcome Home, Jellybean
A departure from most ABC Afterschool Specials, this one focuses on Madeline Green, a teenage girl who discovers her father's affair with a friend of...
Private Affairs
Griffin, a rollerblader in the not so distant future of an economically wrecked Los Angeles, races against time to save both his younger brother and...
Prayer of the Rollerboys