Sandy and Greg are teenagers who go camping, despite warnings not to, with their friends. They soon encounter aliens, who are using the area as a...
Without Warning
Pilot for the short-lived series "Sons and Daughters" set in a high school in the 1950's and seen through the eyes of five carefree seniors.
Senior Year
A dramatization of the life of Sally Stanford, who operated a bordello in the northern California town of Sausalito, and eventually went on to be...
Lady of the House
A couple who own and run a cheap motel have to put up with an assortment of weirdos and perverts who rent rooms there on a Friday night.
Pink Motel
Teen lovers Bobby and Terry band together with other roller skaters to try and prevent a powerful mobster taking over the land their favourite...
Roller Boogie
Pretending to do research for his newspaper, college student Alex Marsh teams up with the somewhat older Susan Swayze, who he long admired from afar....
Tag: The Assassination Game