A pregnant pioneer woman and her family meet a supernatural fate after breaking from their wagon train to California and ignoring a series of ominous...
The Invaders
A lost dog, a cassette tape, and a backyard comedy show bring two Asian-American strangers together for a day they'll never forget.
Above the Clouds
A high school teacher finds herself on wild-goose chase to find a missing student that no one else seems to miss.
Pens and Pencils
When an author and her husband escape to a secluded cabin to finish her latest novel, the fabric of reality unravels with murderous consequences.
Out of Hand
Three best friends, Nick, a writer and a simple man, Donny, the charismatic, wealthy one, and Emile, the artist with a bleeding heart, still reside...
Never Forgotten
A young mother's shadow takes on a life of its own, terrorizing her and her daughter over the course of one night.
When a new family moves to an old house in Amityville, they are tormented and tortured by an evil spirit living in the home while trapped by the...
The Amityville Terror
A troubled woman meets her father for the first time and their encounter goes from awkward to alarming when they witness a man swallow a little girl...
Chompy & the Girls
Kate Pierce is reluctantly spending Christmas with her mom’s new boyfriend and his son Jack. But when the North Pole and Christmas are...
The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two