Released from captivity in Vietnam, two American Army officers return to civilian life and discover they have acquired an insatiable taste for human...
Cannibal Apocalypse
In this adaptation of Tolstoy's story the Wurdulak, a mentally ill patient known as Nicola flashes back to horrifying experiences that he encountered...
Night of the Devils
Giggi is a city boy convinced that "in life you must always hit first". And, good or bad, he gains a certain popularity between beatings, dates and...
Giggi il bullo
Al Bano and Romina bring to the big screen the unhappy love between the composer Franz Schubert and the Hungarian Countess Anna Rostkov. Al Bano...
Symphony of Love
"Libidine" is quite peculiar erotic horror about a scientist, who performs some kind of experiment on his snake. His adolescent daughter Anna has...
Gianni is a middle-aged man with sexual problems. His doctor, seeing that medicines are useless, advised him to try to have relationships with...
What a Girl
Same Sea, Same Beach
I figli di nessuno (internationally released as Nobody's Children) is an Italian drama film directed by Bruno Gaburro and released in 1974. The film,...
Nobody's Children
Sixteen years ago the most powerful warrior wizards of the Magic Dimension sacrificed themselves to fight against absolute evil. Now the fate of a...
Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
A newsman works with a blind puzzle-solver to uncover a deadly conspiracy linked to a genetic research facility.
The Cat o' Nine Tails