When a professional tutor takes a job at a remote manor, he soon finds himself battling his disturbed student’s obsessions, which threaten to...
The Tutor
Follows the story of a group of high school teenagers and their parents as they attempt to navigate the many ways the internet has changed their...
Men, Women & Children
On a rainy night, a mysterious woman enters a stranger's motel room looking for something she left behind.
Days of Pentecost is a feature-length drag action/adventure musical road movie. Inspired by Russ Meyer's 60's exploitation classic Faster, Pussycat!...
Days of Pentecost
A seductive woman with a violent lover steals a car and entices a teenage boy to join her on a crime spree.
Trading Favors
Heaven's War
When Maddy Stern discovers her father has gone missing during a routine birdwatching excursion, she and her college pals trek out into the wilderness...
Terror Birds
Ten years after the natives murdered her family, Iris hires two men to wipe out the whole lot, which happens to now include her sister Cynthia.
Coyote Woman
Following an in-ring accident, Dalton Hunt retired from the world of mixed martial arts at the top of his game. Unable to outrun his guilt, he lost...
Circle of Pain
A struggling painter is possessed by satanic forces after he and his young family move into their dream home in rural Texas.
The Devil's Candy
Lives intertwine around Green Lake as a girl learns to sail, a boy fights for first chair, two sisters operate a bed-and-breakfast, and a fisherman...
Sunfish (& Other Stories on Green Lake)