Don Siegel’s classic crime thriller "Charley Varrick," made in 1972 in the wake of the immensely successful "Dirty Harry," stars Walter...
Last of the Independents: Don Siegel and the Making of 'Charley Varrick'
Charley Varrick robs a bank in a small town with his friends, but instead of obtaining a small amount of money, they discover they stole a very large...
Charley Varrick
1976, Brian de Palma directs Carrie, the first novel by Stephen King. Since, more than 50 directors adapted the master of horror's books, in more...
King on Screen
Prominent gang leader Cyrus calls a meeting of New York's gangs to set aside their turf wars and take over the city. At the meeting, a rival leader...
The Warriors
Story of Al Leong, the greatest henchman in film history.
Henchman: The Al Leong Story
A hippie girl wandering on a California beach is taken in by a Korean War veteran who lives in a nearby mansion with his sister. The girl soon begins...
Welcome to Arrow Beach
A young woman with precognition realizes she is being stalked by a killer -- a mass murderer she previously had used her psychic powers to identify...
Mind Over Murder
Making of 'The Lost Room'
Inside the Lost Room
The second of two Kolchak: The Night Stalker compilation TV films. It combines two episodes of the Kolchak TV series, Demon In Lace (about a succubus...
Demon and the Mummy
A behind-the-scenes look at the 1987 sci-fi/action film that has since become one of the modern classics, about a team of special forces soldiers who...
If It Bleeds We Can Kill It: The Making of 'Predator'