In the lawless West, The Cowboys, a notorious brotherhood of killers and thieves, reigned over the land with brutal fists and fast guns. Fate had...
A Tale of Two Guns
A retired contract scout for the union, compelled to move on from his tragic past, embarks on a deadly mission with gunfight battles, double crosses,...
Mystery man Max boards a boat crawling with bloodthirsty vampires that can appear and disappear at will. As he fights to save the life of the woman...
VampyrZ on a Boat
When a beautiful bride-to-be is bitten by the legendary creature, Bigfoot, she becomes a brutal force of nature hellbent on breaking her engagement -...
The Fiancé
A former bounty hunter awakens from a six-week coma to find he has been 'touched' for a higher calling.
Joe Crist
A woman is forced to drive a Lincoln to do errands that will save her and her loved ones.
Don't Get in the Car
A serial killer's trail of dead bodies leads to the haunting past of two brothers and one woman's love for both men. The fact this features some...
Mind Rage
13 yrs after the American Civil War, in a strange town in New Mexico, a gunfighter and his gambler woman search for the lost Confederate fortune....
A Prayer for the Damned
Dev and Jonas are two rogues on sort-of-opposite sides of the law in the 1880's. When they accept a job that seems like easy money from a powerful...
Incident at Guilt Ridge
After foiling a good ol' fashioned stickup in the gold bust town of Red Ridge, Texas, the town sheriff jails a mysterious stranger suspected of ties...
Ghosts of Red Ridge
1874, East Texas. Two friends pursue the Posse, a group of sadistic human traffickers who have kidnapped five women. Along with an Indian scout, they...
Taken from Rio Bravo