A movie about the travails of Jason (Mark Webber), a young gas station attendant and movie projectionist living in Nebraska. His encounters with...
The Good Life
When a morning show producer makes a New Year's resolution to say yes more, she crosses paths with a confirmed Yes man who just might hold the key to...
A New Year's Resolution
An inventor moves his family into a prototype smart home in order to work out the kinks and sell the program. But the AI gets the idea that its human...
Dream House
When country star Melody Jones is accused of plagiarizing her holiday single, she returns home to spend Christmas with her estranged family and old...
Our Christmas Love Song
As their small Midwestern town prepares for its annual Christmas Eve parade, a sheriff and his deputy discover that a maniac in a Santa suit is...
Silent Night
Daniel moves into a Seniors' residence because he is lonely. There he meets Violet and they fall in love. However, Violet's daughter-in-law does not...
Violets are Blue
A virginal high school senior decides to get revenge on her jock boyfriend when she discovers he's only dating her in hopes that she'll end up in his...
Wild Cherry
The Herdman kids are undeniably the worst kids in the history of the world. They lie, steal, cheat, bully and overall terrorize their small...
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Winner is a brilliant young misfit from Texas who finds her morals challenged while serving in the U.S. Air Force and working as an NSA contractor. A...