When an evil emperor executes their leader, his band of knights – bound by duty and honour – embarks on a journey of vengeance that will...
Last Knights
In this tense, heart-stopping supernatural-thriller, blonde beauty Eva foresees the brutal murder of her sister, Tereza – with whom she has...
Dark Spirits
Paul Baumer and his friends Albert and Muller, egged on by romantic dreams of heroism, voluntarily enlist in the German army. Full of excitement and...
All Quiet on the Western Front
With just weeks before their royal wedding, Paige and Edvard find their relationship and the Danish monarchy in jeopardy when an old law is brought...
The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding
As World War II rages on, Villi and Colette are captured and sent to Auschwitz concentration camp. Imprisoned within separate compounds, the lovers...