An unhappy butcher, kvetching as he swings his cleaver at a side of meat, cuts off several rib steaks and lets them fall to the floor.
Lupo the Butcher
A piglet is kidnapped and forced to participate in a demented game show.
Let's Chop Soo-E
Eddy, sick of getting cheap presents for Christmas, plans to get adopted by one of the neighborhood kids so he can mooch off of their presents.
Ed, Edd n Eddy’s Jingle Jingle Jangle
The kids of the cul-de-sac believe they are being invaded by aliens.
CN Invaded Part 2: The Eds Are Coming
Dogs dream about taking naps.
Dog Brain
Walt Disney said “We have created characters and animated them in the dimension of depth, revealing through them to our perturbed world that...
Animation Outlaws